Divine Love always has met, and always will meet, every human need. |
Mac Tutor / Internet Tutor
"There are known unknowns, and there are unknown unknowns." -- D. Rumsfeld
So you spent $$$$ on a beautiful new Macintosh. They told you it would make your life easier, better, more fun -- you know they're right because you've seen how happy Mac users are. You want to make the most of your investment. You want to be the master of your digital domain. You could buy a book; perhaps you've already done so. And yet something's still missing from the equation.
- Novice - Text editing, file system, peripherals. What's one-and-a-half clicks?
- Intermediate - Email netiquette, Word style sheets, using scripts & utilities
- Advanced - HTML, Web page netiquette, AppleScript, Telnet, UNIX commands
First-time computer user? PC-DOS pro? Weaning from Windows? Mainframe operator? UNIX admin? Whatever your prior experience, or lack thereof, we'll get you up to speed on the Mac.
"Once you go Mac, you never go back."
Internet Help
- HTML doctor -
Got a Web page that won't behave? I can look at the HTML code and fix the problem.
(ask for free brochure, Choosing a Web Designer)
- Perl CGIs on UNIX -
Need some active functionality on your site? I can build a new Web app for you or modify one of my preexisting ones.
- Scripting
Got a tedious process crying out for automation? I can do that for you, too.
Walter Ian Kaye, known internationally online for his Mac-savvy expertise and clear explanations, will walk you through the brilliance and power of your Mac.
Mac user since 1988, from a Mac Plus to a PowerBook G4, and from System 5.2 to Mac OS X.
Professional Experience
Programmer/Analyst at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center from 1997 through 2002, specializing in Perl.
Before moving to the Bay Area, Walter worked at American Express in New York and Phoenix, co-creating an Excel program used in 19 countries around the world.
See resume(s) online for detailed background.
Consultation starts at $20, and includes a questionnaire to determine your level and discussion of where you want to go; a personalized lesson plan will be developed for you, based on the above. You will also receive a rate card.
Flexible hours - day or evening sessions for your convenience.
Call today for an appointment: (415) 929-9778
(page info)
natural-innovations.com (c) 1995-2012 Walter Ian Kaye