by Walter Ian Kaye is a CGI written in Perl. It searches for SLAC publication or report files (actually, it searches for the document's HTML top-file), based on the document number supplied by the user.
The form contains the following fields:
Input Type Name Meaning Radio button group doctype Type of document to search for. Text pubnum 4-digit publication number. Text rptnum 3-digit report number. (Reset) (Submit)
A sample form may be found at <>.
The final page is located at <>.
Field Name Value doctype "pub" | "rpt" pubnum 0000-9999 (in Perl: /\d{4}/) rptnum 000-999 (in Perl: /\d{3}/)
The pubnum and rptnum text fields are strictly validated by as 4-digit (or blank) and 3-digit (or blank) values, respectively; invalid data will be rejected. The number supplied, combined with the specified document type, is used to build a full pathname to the HTML file.
This file's existence is then tested; if found, its URL is returned via a Location: header; otherwise an error page is generated.