
SLAC Conference Information and Submission Form

[Submission Form] [List of SLAC Conferences]

    TESTING NOTES: 1. Edit ~rye/.confrc for Review List email address, and
                   2. Forward 'approved' conference email directly to rye.

Conference Submission Form

Required fields have a red background.

Submitter Information

First (Given) name:
Last (Family) name:
E-mail address:
Telephone extension:

Conference Information

Conference name:
Starting date: Month Day Year
Send me email when current Yes No
Ending date: Same as starting date
Other (specify):
Month Day Year
State or Country:
Conference URL:
URL for graphic*:
*image will be scaled to 96px wide

Created August 24 1998 by boo.
Last modified October 08 1998 by boo.