ASCII-EBCDIC Chart   Viewing Notes

ASCII = American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
ANSI X3.4-1986 (R1997) (PDF), ANSI INCITS 4-1986 (R1997) (Printed Edition) Coded Character Set - 7-Bit American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
ANSI X3.64-1979 Additional Controls for use with American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (standard withdrawn Oct 11 1994)
EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
IBM's 8-bit extension of the 4-bit Binary Coded Decimal encoding of digits 0-9 (0000-1001).

Note: I originally built this table based on the EBCDIC chart in an eem catalog which was missing the "/" (slash/virgule) character. Thanks to someone on the lynx-dev mailing list who pointed me to the hard-to-find IBM documentation, I was able to update this page with the "/" in September 1999.

URL encoding uses hex code prefixed by %.
Quoted-Printable encoding uses hex code prefixed by =.

0 00NULNullNULNull
1 01SOHStart of Heading (CC)SOHStart of Heading
2 02STXStart of Text (CC)STXStart of Text
3 03ETXEnd of Text (CC)ETXEnd of Text
4 04EOTEnd of Transmission (CC)PFPunch Off
5 05ENQEnquiry (CC)HTHorizontal Tab
6 06ACKAcknowledge (CC)LCLower Case
7 07BELBellDELDelete
8 08BSBackspace (FE)  
9 09HTHorizontal Tabulation (FE)  
10 0ALFLine Feed (FE)SMMStart of Manual Message
11 0BVTVertical Tabulation (FE)VTVertical Tab
12 0CFFForm Feed (FE)FFForm Feed
13 0DCRCarriage Return (FE)CRCarriage Return
14 0ESOShift OutSOShift Out
15 0FSIShift InSIShift In
16 10DLEData Link Escape (CC)DLEData Link Escape
17 11DC1Device Control 1DC1Device Control 1
18 12DC2Device Control 2DC2Device Control 2
19 13DC3Device Control 3TMTape Mark
20 14DC4Device Control 4RESRestore
21 15NAKNegative Acknowledge (CC)NLNew Line
22 16SYNSynchronous Idle (CC)BSBackspace
23 17ETBEnd of Transmission Block (CC)ILIdle
24 18CANCancelCANCancel
25 19EMEnd of MediumEMEnd of Medium
26 1ASUBSubstituteCCCursor Control
27 1BESCEscapeCU1Customer Use 1
28 1CFSFile Separator (IS)IFSInterchange File Separator
29 1DGSGroup Separator (IS)IGSInterchange Group Separator
30 1ERSRecord Separator (IS)IRSInterchange Record Separator
31 1FUSUnit Separator (IS)IUSInterchange Unit Separator
32 20SPSpaceDSDigit Select
33 21!Exclamation PointSOSStart of Significance
34 22"Quotation MarkFSField Separator
35 23#Number Sign, Octothorpe, "pound"  
36 24$Dollar SignBYPBypass
37 25%PercentLFLine Feed
38 26&AmpersandETBEnd of Transmission Block
39 27'Apostrophe, PrimeESCEscape
40 28(Left Parenthesis  
41 29)Right Parenthesis  
42 2A*Asterisk, "star"SMSet Mode
43 2B+Plus SignCU2Customer Use 2
44 2C,Comma  
45 2D-Hyphen, Minus SignENQEnquiry
46 2E.Period, Decimal Point, "dot"ACKAcknowledge
47 2F/Slash, VirguleBELBell
48 3000  
49 3111  
50 3222SYNSynchronous Idle
51 3333  
52 3444PNPunch On
53 3555RSReader Stop
54 3666UCUpper Case
55 3777EOTEnd of Transmission
56 3888  
57 3999  
58 3A:Colon  
59 3B;SemicolonCU3Customer Use 3
60 3C<Less-than SignDC4Device Control 4
61 3D=Equal SignNAKNegative Acknowledge
62 3E>Greater-than Sign  
63 3F?Question MarkSUBSubstitute
64 40@At SignSPSpace
65 41AA  
66 42BB  
67 43CC  
68 44DD  
69 45EE  
70 46FF  
71 47GG  
72 48HH  
73 49II  
74 4AJJ¢Cent Sign
75 4BKK.Period, Decimal Point, "dot"
76 4CLL<Less-than Sign
77 4DMM(Left Parenthesis
78 4ENN+Plus Sign
79 4FOO|Logical OR
80 50PP&Ampersand
81 51QQ  
82 52RR  
83 53SS  
84 54TT  
85 55UU  
86 56VV  
87 57WW  
88 58XX  
89 59YY  
90 5AZZ!Exclamation Point
91 5B[Opening Bracket$Dollar Sign
92 5C\Reverse Slant*Asterisk, "star"
93 5D]Closing Bracket)Right Parenthesis
94 5E^Circumflex, Caret;Semicolon
95 5F_Underline, Underscore¬Logical NOT
96 60`Grave Accent-Hyphen, Minus Sign
97 61aa/Slash, Virgule
98 62bb  
99 63cc  
100 64dd  
101 65ee  
102 66ff  
103 67gg  
104 68hh  
105 69ii  
106 6Ajj  
107 6Bkk,Comma
108 6Cll%Percent
109 6Dmm_Underline, Underscore
110 6Enn>Greater-than Sign
111 6Foo?Question Mark
112 70pp  
113 71qq  
114 72rr  
115 73ss  
116 74tt  
117 75uu  
118 76vv  
119 77ww  
120 78xx  
121 79yy  
122 7Azz:Colon
123 7B{Opening Brace#Number Sign, Octothorp, "pound"
124 7C|Vertical Line@At Sign
125 7D}Closing Brace'Apostrophe, Prime
126 7E~Tilde=Equal Sign
127 7FDELDelete"Quotation Mark
128 80 Reserved  
129 81 Reservedaa
130 82 Reservedbb
131 83 Reservedcc
132 84INDIndex (FE)dd
133 85NELNext Line (FE)ee
134 86SSAStart of Selected Areaff
135 87ESAEnd of Selected Areagg
136 88HTSHorizontal Tabulation Set (FE)hh
137 89HTJHorizontal Tabulation with Justification (FE)ii
138 8AVTSVertical Tabulation Set (FE)  
139 8BPLDPartial Line Down (FE)  
140 8CPLUPartial Line Up (FE)  
141 8DRIReverse Index (FE)  
142 8ESS2Single Shift Two (1)  
143 8FSS3Single Shift Three (1)  
144 90DCSDevice Control String (2)  
145 91PU1Private Use Onejj
146 92PU2Private Use Twokk
147 93STSSet Transmit Statell
148 94CCHCancel Charactermm
149 95MWMessage Waitingnn
150 96SPAStart of Protected Areaoo
151 97EPAEnd of Protected Areapp
152 98 Reservedqq
153 99 Reservedrr
154 9A Reserved  
155 9BCSIControl Sequence Introducer (1)  
156 9CSTString Terminator (2)  
157 9DOSCOperating System Command (2)  
158 9EPMPrivacy Message (2)  
159 9FAPCApplication Program Command (2)  
160 A0    
161 A1    
162 A2  ss
163 A3  tt
164 A4  uu
165 A5  vv
166 A6  ww
167 A7  xx
168 A8  yy
169 A9  zz
170 AA    
171 AB    
172 AC    
173 AD    
174 AE    
175 AF    
176 B0    
177 B1    
178 B2    
179 B3    
180 B4    
181 B5    
182 B6    
183 B7    
184 B8    
185 B9  `Grave Accent
186 BA    
187 BB    
188 BC    
189 BD    
190 BE    
191 BF    
192 C0    
193 C1  AA
194 C2  BB
195 C3  CC
196 C4  DD
197 C5  EE
198 C6  FF
199 C7  GG
200 C8  HH
201 C9  II
202 CA    
203 CB    
204 CC    
205 CD    
206 CE    
207 CF    
208 D0    
209 D1  JJ
210 D2  KK
211 D3  LL
212 D4  MM
213 D5  NN
214 D6  OO
215 D7  PP
216 D8  QQ
217 D9  RR
218 DA    
219 DB    
220 DC    
221 DD    
222 DE    
223 DF    
224 E0    
225 E1    
226 E2  SS
227 E3  TT
228 E4  UU
229 E5  VV
230 E6  WW
231 E7  XX
232 E8  YY
233 E9  ZZ
234 EA    
235 EB    
236 EC    
237 ED    
238 EE    
239 EF    
240 F0  00
241 F1  11
242 F2  22
243 F3  33
244 F4  44
245 F5  55
246 F6  66
247 F7  77
248 F8  88
249 F9  99
250 FA    
251 FB    
252 FC    
253 FD    
254 FE    
255 FF    

(1) Introducer
(2) String Delimiter
(CC) Communication Control
(FE) Format effector
(IS) Information Separator

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Last Modified 10 Dec 2002