Products and services (including Web sites)
Product Ideas: table, chair, H&BA, Bike lamp
Service Ideas:
Came up with the name in 1980-81, doing a workbook exercise for marketing class at American Business Institute in NYC. Started out as "Naturally Innovative Products" but that was too long so I shortened and generalized it to "Natural Innovations Company" (see original artwork using Helvetica and Gill Sans, where I tried to use the actual name as a logo) or just "Natural Innovations Co."
NYC, Philly, Sili Valley
I'm an inventor. It is natural for me to innovate.
I also enjoy helping people.
Naturally and accessibly and respectfully.
We are not the NI in O hio, F lorida, or A ustralia; it's just a popular name, like Aladdin or Acme. What can ya do? :)