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Raw Code English Term Notes class alis = alias class bool = boolean class capp = application --(not sure if this is a data type) class citm = text item class cobj = item class cRGB = RGB color class ctxt = text class doub = real class enum = constant class file = file class fss = file specification class hand = handler class itxt = string class ldt = date class list = list class llst = linked list --(best type of [x,y]) class long = integer class magn = unsigned integer class nmbr = number class obj = reference class pcls = class class PICT = picture class QDpt = point class qdrt = rectangle class rdat = data class reco = record class scpt = script class shor = short integer class sing = small real class snd = sound class STXT = styled text --(Can't get every styled text.) class styl = scrap styles class TEXT = string class TIFF = TIFF picture class vect = vector --(best type of {x,y})
Raw Code English Term Notes class cins = insertion point class cmnu = menu class cwin = window class docu = document class font = font class insl = location reference class mach = machine class proc = process
Raw Code English Term Notes class pi = pi class ret = return class rslt = result class spac = space class tab = tab it me
Raw Code English Term Notes constant ****case = case constant ****diac = diacriticals constant ****expa = expansion constant ****hyph = hyphens constant ****punc = punctuation constant ****rmte = application responses constant ****whit = white space
Raw Code English Term Notes constant ****alcp = all caps constant ****bold = bold constant ****cond = condensed constant ****hidn = hidden constant ****ital = italic constant ****lowc = all lowercase constant ****outl = outline constant ****pexp = expanded constant ****plan = plain constant ****sbsc = subscript constant ****shad = shadow constant ****smcp = small caps constant ****spsc = superscript constant ****strk = strikethrough constant ****undl = underline
Raw Code English Term Notes constant ****ask = ask constant ****no = no constant ****yes = yes
Raw Code English Term Notes constant ****cent = center constant ****full = full constant ****left = left constant ****rght = right
Raw Code English Term Notes constant ****true = true -- (2^24)+ constant ****fals = false -- 0..1677215
Raw Code English Term Notes constant ****asdr = folder constant ****aslk = locked constant ****cura = current application constant ****cwin = window constant ****desk = desktop constant ****font = fonts folder constant ****func = function constant ****hndl = handle constant ****isfl = floating constant ****KyBd = keyboard constant ****pmod = modal constant ****ptr = pointer constant ****pvis = visible constant ****rpza = video constant ****tT1 = MacTCP constant ****time = time constant ****trsh = trash constant kfrmID = id
Raw Code English Term Notes class txdl = text item delimiters (of AppleScript) class dstr = date string (of theDate) class tstr = time string (of theDate)
Raw Code English Term Notes class abve = above class agst = against class aprt = apart from class arnd = around class asdf = aside from class at = at class belw = below class bnth = beneath class bsid = beside class btwn = between class by = by class for = for class from = from class givn = given class into = into class isto = instead of class on = on class onto = onto class outo = out of class over = over class thru = thru (through) class to = to class undr = under class with = with class wout = without
Raw Code English Term Notes class wkdy = weekday class day = day class mnth = month class year = year
Raw Code English Term Notes class min = minutes class hour = hours class days = days class week = weeks
Raw Code English Term Notes class jan = January class feb = February class mar = March class apr = April class may = May class jun = June class jul = July class aug = August class sep = September class oct = October class nov = November class dec = December
Raw Code English Term Notes class sun = Sunday class mon = Monday class tue = Tuesday class wed = Wednesday class thu = Thursday class fri = Friday class sat = Saturday
Raw Code English Term Notes class keyf = key class time = time class pmod = modal
Raw Code English Term Notes class evnt = event class ls = list or string class lrs = list, record or text class nds = number, date or text class pnam = name class leng = length class pcnt = contents class pare = parent class prln = print length (0) class prdp = print depth (0) class rvse = reverse class rest = rest class ID = id class prep = preposition class nd = number or date
Raw Code English Term Notes class **** = anything class null = null class ascr = AppleScript class case = upper case class type = type class class citl = writing code info class intl = writing code class pscd = script code class plcd = language code class prop = property class name = Volume Name class Krtn = returning class targ = target id class vers = version ("1.1") class undf = [void/null/nut'n]
Raw Code English Term Notes class aete = application dictionary class aeut = system dictionary class zone = zone class cha = character class dcod = code class dnam = name class dlcd = language code class dscd = script code class difo = dialect info class pidx = index
Raw Code English Term Notes event ToyS**** = (edit script with Script Editor??) event ascrcmnt = log event ascrnoop = launch event aevtoapp = run event miscactv = activate event misccopy = copy
Raw Code English Term Notes unkn = (from 'rtt#' resource) colb = (from 'rtt#' resource) rowb = (from 'rtt#' resource) vcha = (from 'rtt#' resource) date = (from 'rtt#' resource) tims = (from 'rtt#' resource) deci = (from 'rtt#' resource) mone = (from 'rtt#' resource) stor = (coercion from **** -- network related?) zkhk = (coercion from **** -- text related?) skna = (coercion from **** -- text related?) hika = (coercion from **** -- text related?)
Raw Code English Term Notes class alia = alias file class appf = application file class ccdv = control panel class cdis = disk class cfol = folder class ctnr = container class dafi = desk accessory file class docf = document file class fntf = font file class fsut = font suitcase class sndf = sound file class stcs = suitcase